I took some pix while making the mould for bunny so its a semi tutorial, altho the mold didn't turn out so great and I had to make a second mold...
Materials used: bunny-chavant clay, clay bed-klean klay, release agent-vaseline and plaster.
1. made a clay bed with klean klay
2. coated the bunny and clay with vaseline also put some walls on sides
3. poured plaster on top
4. after some time I removed the walls
5. turned over the whole thing and removed the clay bed and again coated the whole thing with vaseline. Put up side walls and poured plaster in (forgot to take pix of this step lol...)
6. final mold (in the end I didnt use this mold coz it wasnt that good, so I made a new mold wich has 3 sides)